*If the subject of the alleged violation is a Department of Education employee, is he or she your supervisor?
*Have you notified anyone else or any other agency of the allegation(s)?
*If yes, what were the results?
* What Happened?
Describe in detail what the subject did that was improper. Please indicate when this occurred, where it occurred,
how it occurred, and identify any other witnesses who have information about the alleged violation. Please identify any
evidence you have that is relevant to the alleged violation.
*Complaint Confirmation
Do you affirm that the information contained in this complaint is true and correct to the best of your knowledge?
By clicking the “Submit Complaint” button below, you are affirming the information contained in this complaint is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.
Upon submission of your complaint, the Office of Inspector General will conduct a review of the
information submitted. Additional information may be requested. A determination will be made as to
whether an investigation will be initiated by this office or if your complaint should be referred to another office or agency for review.